Things to do in the city SHIP Amsterdam from the water Amsterdam is a city filled with water. You can tell by looking at the name of the city: Amsterdam comes from dam in the river Amstel . The Amstel is the biggest and most famous waterway, but there are also 165 canals to choose from. You can easily rent a boat to cruise around, or perhaps go on a guided tour that shows you all the highlights. From the water, you will have a great view of the canal houses.
Bicycle Get a bike The best way to feel truly like an Amsterdam local, is by riding your bike through the narrow streets of the city. In Amsterdam everyone owns a bike, and it is the cheapest and healthiest way to move through town. You can easily rent a bike to get the hang of it, but for that true local feel it s best to buy one. Don t forget to get some insurance with it, and always lock your bike!
landmark Explore new cultures Amsterdam is home to many great museums. On the Museum square you can find three of the most popular ones: the national Rijksmuseum, the Stedelijk museum which showcases modern art, and the Van Gogh museum, dedicated to the most famous Dutch painter. The square itself is a great place to hang out as well. You can also visit more specialised museums, such as science museum NEMO or the Dutch costume museum.
tree-alt Visit the Amsterdam forest Amsterdam has quite a large forest: het Amsterdamse Bos . From our campus, it s only a 10-minute bike ride to the entrance. In the Amsterdam forest you can stroll around or have a picnic. But it s also possible to sail on the big lake in the middle, rent a canoe, or pet a goat on the goat farm. During the summer many artists perform in the so called Forest theatre . Bring some snacks, cuddle up under a blanket and listen to your favourite music: what s not to love?
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam12