But you can also end up in the corporate world as a Human Resource Manager. Around 50% of our Research Master's graduates are likely to be employed as researchers in positions at universities and research institutes.
Programmes Clinical and Developmental Psychopathology Cognitive Neuropsychology Genes In Behaviour and Health Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise and Health
Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise and Health Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sciences Psychology
Work and Organizational Psychology Social Psychology: Regulation of Social Behaviour
calendar-exclamation Application deadline: 1 April (non-EU/EEA), 1 June (EU/EEA)
Envelope masters.fbms@vu.nl Mouse-Pointer www.vu.nl/fbms
The Master s programme has given me a broader perspective for my job as a physiotherapist. What really helped me was the focus on reading and evaluating scientific papers, and the understanding of evaluation instruments. As soon as I got back to Italy, I found a job as a physiotherapist. Another bonus was being exposed to the latest technology in the field. This is giving me an opportunity to develop a system to test patients in my clinic using a force-plate, in addition to the clinical examination.
Francesco Segat (Alumnus) Italy Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise and Health
Our scientific knowledge and insights in mental and physical human behaviour in society contribute to lead a healthy, active and meaningful life for everyone at any age. It s our faculty s mission to play a leading role in understanding how behaviour comes about and how it can be influenced. Therefore we use our unique resources and expertise to facilitate high-quality, interdisciplinary research and education in a diverse, open, safe and sustainable environment, to address the major societal needs related to our field.
Why study at this faculty? We conduct top research that pushes theoretical and methodical boundaries, including advanced techniques for detailed and large-scale data collection (e.g. genotyping, neuro-imaging, 3D motion recording, e-mental health applications), data analysis, storage and management. The faculty also has several prominent researchers in its ranks who play a pioneering role in their field.
Your future career You will have various career opportunities, for instance in applied research at a rehabilitation centre or sports institution, or in vocational education in sports or healthcare.
Behavioural and Movement Sciences A unique profile within the broad domain of behaviour and health
4,026* Students
17%* International
48 Professors
8 English-taught
This icon stands for a Research Master's programme. * Look at page 24.
International Master's programmes 17