Nataliia Plaksina
Russia It was a long-lasting dream of mine to study in Europe. The combination of out- standingly beautiful and vibrant Amster- dam, an educational programme which inspires you to learn and achieve more and with classmates from 52 different countries, made this year unforgettable. Every day I can see confirmations that it is possible to reach your dreams no mat- ter where you from,. Doing this at such a diverse university as VU Amsterdam and in a friendly country as the Netherlands broadens your horizons far beyond ac- ademic knowledge. Business Adminis- tration: International Management
Yuri Gomes Silva (Alumnus)
Brazil For someone like me, who was born and raised in a city that is part of the Brazilian Amazon, dealing with the Dutch weather was for sure the biggest challenge I had to face. However, apart from that my experience here and at VU Amsterdam has been incredible! Law: International Technology Law
Huong Nguyên
Vietnam "It has been an interesting journey for me to take a Master s programme in the Netherlands after eight years of work experience in Vietnam. I have been learning a lot and I am enjoying the STREEM programme, where I have been taught by very dedicated profes- sors and studied with many curious and driven classmates. I am currently living in Amsterdam where I ve been enjoying the beautiful buildings, green parks and cycling lanes in the absence of its typical crowd of tourists." Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics
International Master's programmes 9