Train Transportation Proximity to Schiphol International Airport and train connections within Europe make VU Amsterdam easily accessible to the world. Amsterdam has a wide variety of buses, trams and subways to get you where you need to be. But if you truly want to experience life as an Amsterdam resident, buy a bike! Amsterdam has more bikes than people, and you will learn that Dutch people cycle everywhere within the city, no matter the distance or weather.
home Student housing Counting 3,400 residents, Campus Uilenstede is the largest student campus of Northern Europe. Uilenstede is home to quite a few of our inter- national students. Of course, aside from living and studying there, there s a lot more to do for the students of the Campus, such as a cosy diner and regular events. Read more about student housing on the next few pages.
Our campus VU Amsterdam wants to offer an attractive study and working environment that responds to the modern demands that students and employees have. Our campus is a dynamic, urban environment in direct connection with business district Zuidas Amsterdam . This brings new opportunities for cooperation with alliances and our surroundings.
VOLLEYBALL-BALL 2 Sport Centre locations
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam34