Research with an inter- disciplinary approach For VU Amsterdam it is important to contribute with our research to solving major social issues. Challenges like this ask for an interdisciplinary approach it forces us to look outside our own field of research and discuss our views with people with another perspective on the topic. Education and research are directly linked to each other. We lead students to research areas where they can excel, and where there is a high demand for well-trained professionals.
Interdisciplinary Research Institutes VU Amsterdam s research covers many topics that often cross disciplinary boundaries. To promote and accommodate this interdisciplinary research, VU Amsterdam set up Interdisciplinary Research Institutes. In this environment, researchers meet, share their knowledge and join forces to work on today s challenges that require interdisciplinary teams. The Research Institutes have a national and international reputation for the scientific quality and social impact of their research. They are known for their successful PhD and Research Master s programmes, worldwide recruitment of staff and students, active participation within international networks and excellent research facilities.
Amsterdam Sustainability Institute An example of such an institute is the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute (ASI) of VU Amsterdam: a cooperation platform in the field of sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Before its establishment in 2019, research in the field of sustainability was not optimally bundled. The ASI brings researchers into contact with each other and encourages interdisciplinary research by financially supporting activities with an innovative character.
Network Institute Another example is the Network Institute. They study the interaction between digital technology and society, or what is often called: the Digital Society. With its interdisciplinary focus, its extensive size, and its well-established organisation, the Network Institute is uniquely positioned. Many researchers have benefited from their Network Institute-based collaborations, and the institute has introduced interdisciplinary research work to a generation of young VU Amsterdam scholars.
Award-winning research VU Amsterdam is home to many award-winning professors. An example is professor Yvette van Kooyk, who heads the Molecular Cell Biology and Immuno logy department. She was awarded the Spinoza Prize 2019 (the Dutch Nobel Prize for Science) for her research in the field of immunology. Prof. Van Kooyk unravelled the mystery of how cancer, autoimmune diseases and infectious diseases (such as HIV/AIDS) are able to disrupt the immune system. At the University Medical Centre (Amsterdam UMC), she develops nanomedicines that help the immune system fight cancer and other diseases.
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Globe Aurora Network and Aurora Alliance VU Amsterdam is the proud co-founder of the Aurora network, a consortium of research intensive universities deeply committed to the social impact of our activities, and with a history of engagement with our communities. Originated from this network we are now part of the
Aurora Alliance, an Erasmus+ selected European Universities Initiative. Our vision is to use academic excellence in education and research to influence societal change. We do this by learning for societal impact, engaging several communities and striving to be pioneers in sustainability. By using our educational concepts in the Alliance, such as Community Service Learning and Entrepreneurship, we try to work together and strengthen each other s inspirational educational environments.